Belmont 16s Staff Celebrates R U OK? Day as Part of New Wellness Program
12 September 2024

On Thursday, 12 September, Belmont 16s launched its new Employee Wellness Program in conjunction with R U OK? Day—a national day of action to inspire meaningful conversations and support mental wellbeing. As part of the initiative, staff were encouraged to take a moment out of their day to enjoy a cup of tea and a specially branded R U OK? biscuit, creating a relaxed atmosphere to foster open conversations about mental health and the significance of R U OK? Day.

The launch of the wellness program aimed to go beyond just marking the day, embedding the principles of support, listening, and care into the workplace culture. Employees were provided with conversation guides filled with practical tips on how to approach and engage in meaningful dialogue. The key tips included:

  1. Pick Your Moment
    Staff were reminded to choose a time and place where both parties would feel comfortable having a conversation. The guide encouraged a relaxed, friendly approach to ease into potentially sensitive discussions, highlighting that it’s okay not to have all the answers.
  2. Listen with an Open Mind
    Listening without judgment or rushing the conversation was a core focus. Staff were encouraged to let their colleagues speak in their own time, ensuring they felt heard by repeating back key points to confirm understanding. This simple act of listening was designed to show empathy and understanding during the conversation.
  3. Encourage Action
    Once a colleague opened up, staff were guided to encourage action, whether that involved lightening the emotional load or suggesting professional support. Practical advice was given to help colleagues consider their next steps, such as talking to a trusted friend, family member, or health professional. Suggestions for activities that bring joy or relaxation, like going for a walk, watching a movie, or engaging in sport, were also part of the support guide.

To further reinforce the importance of mental health, a list of free professional services, including Lifeline (13 11 14), was provided to all staff. These resources offered accessible avenues for anyone needing additional support or for those feeling an escalation in concerns.

The response from staff was overwhelmingly positive, with many engaging in meaningful conversations about mental wellbeing, both at work and in their personal lives. The simple act of sharing a cup of tea and a biscuit served as a powerful reminder of the importance of checking in with one another, not just on R U OK? Day but every day.

Belmont 16s’ R U OK? Day celebration was a heartfelt and successful introduction to the new Employee Wellness Program, reinforcing the Club’s commitment to fostering a supportive, inclusive, and caring workplace culture. This initiative will continue to provide resources and opportunities for employees to prioritise their wellbeing both in and outside of work.

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